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Why You Should Feel Good About These Recipes...

Eating refined sugar and hydrogenated oils can have some pretty serious long-term effects and can lead to an increase in cancer, Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease. Hydrogenated oils are cheap, heavily processed fats that are used in place of healthy ones, and are known to be linked to cardiovascular disease and host of other health problem. And what about sugar?

Eating sugar can cause your body to produce too much cortisol, which leaves you feeling more stressed. It causes insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes. Your immune system also takes a hit and makes it more difficult to fight off simple viruses and stay healthy. And speaking of staying healthy, researchers are discovering that people who eat too much sugar have a much greater chance of having cancer. Refined sugar and hydrogenated oils have absolutely no nutritional value, meaning nothing positive will happen to your body by eating them. The few minutes of satisfaction that come from that treat also come with a huge cost.

Most of us want to be healthy but don't want to give up things like sweets and snacks. These recipes are the solution! They are quick and easy, with ingredients you can find at your local grocery store or on Amazon. You’ll be amazed to realize that these don’t have sugar or unhealthy ingredients in them and are designed to give you energy and good nutrition! You’ll never feel deprived again!

And these recipes are kid-tested too! Now you can make treats for the kids without feeling guilty or contributing to their future health issues. Transform your family’s eating habits with these healthy treats and you’ll realize how easy it is to eat well.

Want to feel even better about these recipes? Our own Dr. Marlene Merritt recommends them: “Many people think diet changes involve being deprived of their favorite foods, but these recipes will prove you wrong! You will love the fact that these delicious recipes are also healthy, easy, and kid- and adult-approved, as well as being recommended by me on a daily basis to my patients.” Dr. Marlene Merritt, DOM, LAc, Ms Nutr

Primal Health

Primal Health is dedicated to helping you achieve your personal health goals and improve your over all quality of life. Each product is specifically designed to inform and equip you with all the tools necessary for success. With over 400,000 satisfied customers across the world, we’re confident one of our products will do the same for you.


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